Bereavement Leave

What is your bereavement leave policy (number days off, what family members)? And for relativity, how large is your organization (# of employees)?

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    Bereavement Leave
    A team member who wishes to take time off due to a death should notify his or her
    manager immediately. Bereavement leave will normally be granted unless there are unusual
    business needs or staffing requirements. Your manager may ask for verification for the
    request of bereavement leave (funeral pamphlet, obituary, etc.). Any holiday or office
    closings occurring while on leave are counted towards the total bereavement leave
    All full-time and part-time regular team members are eligible to receive up to five paid days
    due to the death of an immediate family member. Immediate family members are defined
    • Spouse
    • Child or stepchild
    • Sibling or stepsibling
    • Parent or stepparent
    • Grandchild
    • Grandparent
    • Mother-in-law/Father-in-law
    • Sister-in-law/Brother-in-law
    • Daughter-in-law/Son-in-law
    The days of leave do not need to be used consecutively, but must be used within six months
    of the date of death and be related to the death.
    All full-time and part-time regular team members are eligible to receive up to one paid day
    due to the death of other close relatives. Other close relatives (team member relatives only)
    are defined as:
    • Aunt
    • Uncle
    • First cousin
    • Niece
    • Nephew
    For other close relatives, not specified under immediate family members, you may request
    time off, but will need to use PTO.
    With manager approval, special consideration may be given for the death of any person
    whose association is similar to any of these relationships, or the death of a co-worker
    provided such absence from work will not interfere with normal operations of the

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  • Christine Thompson Thank you so much!!!

  • Hey Robin - this applies to our 250-300 US based employees below - predominantly manufacturing and rest is engineering/G&A. We've condensed this over-time as the list used to be longer. Hope you are doing well! Kim


    Full-time employees are eligible for bereavement leave following the death of an immediate family member.  Employees are eligible to take up to three (3) work days if employees must travel within two hundred fifty (250) miles of their work location, or up to five (5) work days if employees must travel more than two hundred fifty miles from their work location.


                   4.1       Bereavement pay is based on an employee’s regular rate of pay.


                   4.2            For purposes of bereavement time, “immediate family member” means the employee’s:

    1. Spouse

    2. Parents (including parents-in-law)

    3. Children (including spouse’s children)

    4. Siblings (including brothers and/or sisters-in-law)

    5. Grandparents

    6. Grandchildren 

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  • Hi Robin, it's up to 3 days for a member in the immediate family of the employee or spouse (husband, wife, child, child's spouse, parents, stepparents, grandparents, grandchild, sister, sister's spouse, brother, brother's spouse).  We have ~750 employees.

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  • Apologies the copy/paste didn't work.

    life partner living in the same household - 3 days

    child or parent - 2 days

    2 additional days if the relative is buried abroad

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  • Becky, I have been doing some extensive research in this area in prepration for several SHRM speaking events. The first of which occurs next week on the #HRCruise. What I have found is that 3-5 days paid time of is still the most typical. Facebook as you know increased to 10 which started the focus on this last year. In light of my personal situation with the loss of my father, brother, and mother all within 2 years of each other, I am advocating for workplace flexibility and a trust culture to support. Here is just one blog I wrote on the topic after my 2nd very close relative died to give managers an idea of how intense the work and grieving process can be around death of a loved one. If you have interest in any of my materials after the cruise mid February email me at . Hope this helps.

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  •  Robin Throckmorton so sorry for last reply...I meant Robin!

    • Dana Barnard
    • HR Manager
    • Dana_Barnard
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    we offer up to 3 days for the following family members: spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparents, grandchildren and the same for spouse's family

  • Employees who have been employed for at least six months are eligible for a paid leave of absence for up to three days for a death in the immediate family to prepare for and/or attend a funeral or burial or to attend to other related personal affairs.  "Immediate family members are limited to:  parent, step-parent, foster parent, grandparent, legal guardian, father/mother-in-law, sister, brother, spouse, child, domestic partner (see Section 3.30  for definition), parent or child of domestic partner.  The employee may be required to provide documentation to support a request for such leave.

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