Global Leadership Summit - 8/10/17 & 8/11/17

I have attended several of these events over the years since 2004. It has made me a better leader, employee and person.  I recommend this Leadership Summit for all that aspire to better themselves.

Place: Vineyard Community Church - Springdale, OH

Date(s): Thursday, August 10 & 11, 2017

This year's faculty speakers can be seen at kink below:

Reasons to Attend

For more than 20 years, the Summit has proven to produce compelling outcomes* for attendees, including:

Teamwork 83%

83% of attendees demonstrate improved teamwork, job satisfaction and productivity

Effectiveness 61%

61% of attendees say their organization is more effective because of clearer vision

Significance 87%

87% feel a greater sense of significance and satisfaction in their personal and professional lives

Better Leaders 81%

81% cite concrete ways their supervisor has become a better leader because of the Summit

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