NEEDED: input for my SHRM19 session

  • Erich Kurschat
  • HR advocate. DiSC nerd. Introvert.
  • Erich_Kurschat
  • updated 5 yrs ago

I'm excited to be speaking at SHRM19 this June on the topic of mastermind groups!

While I'm eager to offer what I've learned in the process of growing the HRHotSeat mastermind community, I realize how much I would benefit from hearing what others have experienced.

Have you started a mastermind? Joined one? What was the format? Whom did it serve? What worked? What didn't?

Your perspective will help inform how I approach my SHRM19 session.

In return, I'd be happy to share any of my own experience that might be valuable to you!


Erich Kurschat

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