Top Talent Trends in 2019 - Upcoming Webinar, 1/31/19
(I saw this great webinar from Cubiks and thought you'd possibly be interested in it !! - Steve)
We know what you're thinking . . . . "Not another Trends list ?!"
We've seen all of the self-serving trends/predictions lists that are so popular this time of year in our inbox too. Trends in HR, Trends in Recruiting, Trends in Talent Management, etc. etc.
But have you experienced a Trends list purely devoted to talent assessments alone yet? No? Then, we've got you covered!
Why "Trends in Talent Assessments"?
For decades, talent assessments have been relatively stale. When item-banking an assessment is considered an innovative update, there's a problem!
But major investments in HR technology, rapid acceptance of AI, low unemployment rates, and candidates who opt-out of jumping through hoops have forced significant changes in the talent assessment marketplace.
Join our free webinar to:
- Learn which assessment innovations are ready for prime time and which are science fiction
- Hear what moves the needle on candidate experience
- Consider how the use of assessment changes when unemployment is low
- Learn which HR technologies you should consider pairing with talent assessments
When: Thursday, 1/31/19 at 2:00 pm Central Time, 3:00pm Eastern Time
To register, please visit our site at: https://bit.ly/2FiRcT7