Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Group - Starting September 2018

(Submitted by Mark Levine)

Stop Accepting Stress

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a proven group program to help people reduce stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain.

Stop accepting stress as a fact of life, or something you brag about. It’s taking a physical and emotional toll.

People who participate in MBSR groups learn to reduce stress, and become more productive and creative. We have a group starting soon and I wanted to let you know the details if you'd like to participate.

We meet for eight (8) weeks in 1.5 hour sessions. You'll learn how to rewire your brain for success as well as learn life long skills to reduce stress.

When: Begins September 9, 2018

Where: 11438 Lebanon Rd, Unit H., Sharonville, Ohio 45241

Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

To register for the group, go to our site at: www.MindsatPeace.net

If you have questions, feel free to call me at (513) 666-1413 or email me at - mark@mindsatpeace.net

I hope you can join in! - Mark

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