👩🏾💻market research request - harassment and investigations👩🏾💻
Hi HR friends and connections! I’m looking to gather some market research for a new direction in my business - to be clear, this is NOT a sales pitch :)
WHAT I DO: I work with organizations that struggle with (or dread!) dealing with workplace harassment, respect and/or culture complaints. They either don’t have the resources or expertise to deal with these types of messy issues or they need someone who is independent, neutral and unbiased to investigate a complaint so that they can sleep at night. I work with Managers and Leaders who want to do “the right thing vs. the easy thing”, are committed to addressing issues related to harassment and respect in the workplace and want to improve their workplace cultures and environments.
THE ASK: If this sounds like you, I’d love for you to answer a few questions for me. I want to make sure that what I am creating addresses the real pain points that managers, leaders and HR are experiencing. Survey responses can be anonymous if you want them to be.
Thanks in advance for your time, insights and feedback! - Saira
Here is the link to the survey questions: