When Minors are Your Customers

I wasn't sure where to put this topic, hopefully this works.

I have a client whose business involves teaching music lessons, primarily to minors. It's a private company, not a school. We're getting ready to work on an employee handbook for them, and want to communicate that the employees need to be especially sensitive to the fact that there are minors in their business - and things that might be ok at some workplaces aren't here because of that.

I'm looking for recommendations on policies that should be incorporated into their handbook for this unique situation. If anyone has any ideas or similar experience, I would appreciate your input!

Thanks - Rachel

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  • I know you're looking for recommendations from people on this topic. Reading it, it strikes me as a good one to pose to chatGPT to at least get you thinking of different possible policies. I don't have any personal experience with that situation.

    • Grace Navera Thanks for your thoughts. I have done that, but wondered if there were any real world examples anyone had as well. Thank you!

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