Independent Qualified Public Accountant Referrals

A client of mine is in need of an independent qualified public accountant to perform an ERISA audit/opinion to include in their 5500 submission. This is very time sensitive. 

Who can you recommend in the Greater Cincinnati area that could conduct this with a quick turnaround? 


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  • Hi Holly, Clark Schaefer Hackett can perform this work.  I'm part of Strategic HR and we were acquired by Clark Schaefer Hackett 2 years ago.  I'm happy to connect you and your client.  We are connected on LinkedIn!  I'll reach out there.

      • Holly Duffy
      • Senior HR & Benefits Consultant
      • fechtigh
      • 1 yr ago
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      Julie Johnson - Thanks!

  • Clark Schaefer is a good option. Another is Plan Check CPA's.

      • Holly Duffy
      • Senior HR & Benefits Consultant
      • fechtigh
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Eric Bokesch - Thanks!

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