GUSTO help - California Final Paycheck

(Anonymous question, posting on behalf of an HR friend)

We might have to do layoffs and Gusto doesn’t have options to hold off on direct depositing someone’s pay. We’ve done live checks prior to COVID-19 but now that we are all remote, I’m struggling to find an option on termination pay.

We have Gusto concierge and their response was we could run payroll however the employee would see their final payroll at 8:00 am and our team isn’t usually online and working until about 10:00 am. Cat would be out of the bag at that point. Not ideal.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

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  • I used Gusto with a client last year.  I believe there is a final pay feature and/or the ability to do a manual check.  The employee would receive the direct deposit at midnight, so that is the day of termination. Hope that helps!

    • Tracy Hill
    • Employee Benefits Comm. Strategist
    • Tracy_Hill
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks, Karen!!! I'm relaying!

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