Free workshop webinar: Leading the COVID19 Recovery with Emotional Intelligence - 7/9/20 10:00am British Standard Time (BST)

  • Zoe
  • Zoe
  • updated 4 yrs ago

*Friends outside of the UK, Please sign up by emailing to book your place - as the host website only allows UK postcodes! Although we are a global leadership coaching provider.

During this ChamberLIVE workshop, you'll learn about the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership, to engage and motivate your colleagues during times of uncertainty.

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
- Explain emotional intelligence and why it matters?
- Share research around EQ (Emotional Quotient) versus IQ and its impact on people engagement
- State behaviours that enhance EQ and how to develop them
- Identify how you want to cast your leadership shadow?

Presented by Zoe Lewis, Director of Coaching at The Leadership Coaches
Zoe Lewis is an accredited executive leadership coach and certified emotional intelligence practitioner, she is the Director of Coaching at The Leadership Coaches, a worldwide provider of 16 top leadership coaches working face to face here in the Midlands and virtually across the globe. 


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