Looking for a Contract Trainer/Facilitator
(This came to me anonymously from an HR pro. - Steve)
A colleague is looking for anyone who would be interested in contracting as a facilitator. The individual(s) would need to have strong experience in leadership and soft skills topics as a part of a consulting practice. This would be on an as needed basis for regional workforce development programs and delivery when contracted for area businesses.
Do you know anyone who can do this? I'm looking for someone that could cover locations in the Greater Cincinnati, Greater Dayton and Northern Kentucky areas.
Thanks for any suggestions of people you're aware of.
I'd be interested in being considered for this contract trainer/facilitator role. You can find out more about me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephaniepolen/ or www.thepolengroup.com. Thank you!
I am currently a contract facilitator. Let's talk soon about your needs.
Meanwhile you can find me at linked in. Thanks!
My organization and I would be happy to assist as well. You can view our website at www.mybusinessresource.com or contact me directly (rkutay@mybusinessresource.com)
I have a lot of great training connections and would enjoy a chat to help you find the right one! Message me at Melanie@thrivewithmb.com
strategic HR inc. (strategicHRinc.com) has a number of individuals that provide training solutions just like this on a regular basis. We'd be happy to talk to you further so you have a team of resources (or just one). Feel free to reach out to me at Robin@strategicHRinc.com or %13-697-9855 x302.
This sounds like a great opportunity.
I have strong experience with workforce development across a variety of organizations and industries. My focus has been on training and facilitation in leadership, soft skills, teams and related. I also have connections with other facilitators that I may refer to your colleague as well.
I'd like to explore this opportunity further. Contact me at 513.668.2658, Antoinette@ASystemthatWorks.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinettewebster/
I would be honored at an opportunity to discuss your needs and how I might be able to fulfill them. Please take a moment to visit my website for more information on possible topics. I am confident I can provide what you are looking for. www.jimdiebold@focalpointcoaching.com. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-diebold.
Looking forward to your response.