Hiring on Purpose vs. Just Replacing Openings

(This came to me anonymously from a TA Executive - Steve)

I'm in a tough position because I'm relatively new to my company and they have a history of automatically replacing people if someone leaves. It's like a plug-and-play approach to Talent. I'm trying to change this and have asked hiring managers to give context and justification for replacing people and not assume it's a given automatically.

I'm asking if anyone has a good process, tools, or forms they use for this. We're trying to move from the mentality of hiring because there's an available budget as the primary reason. We want to see people plan and design the positions and roles they truly need.

Thanks for any insight or examples you may have!

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  • My employer is in growth mode.  All hires, even replacements, must either support growth objectives or reduce burnout/overtime of other staff.  Managers must describe how the new hire's work (and a job description must be written/updated for each hire) will contribute to revenue growth or cost containment.  Managers are strongly encouraged to consider whether the open headcount could be used for a different role that would contribute to revenue growth more significantly.  

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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