Hey Laurie! My most popular lunch'n'learn right now is "Inclusive Leadership: Beyond the Buzzwords". In 45 minutes we discuss the four pillars of inclusive leadership as well as the allyship skills that are needed to make it sustainable. We address various areas of DEI including gender, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, and ability. You can see more www.elenajoyexperience.com
Hi Laurie!
This year, we have been focusing L&L's on company culture. We have a library of leadership books that we really enjoy. I sent an email to our team members early this year and asked for volunteers to read the books and present the concepts to our company. We had awesome turnout - filled ten out of twelve months with volunteers! Next year I plan on doing a "wellness" theme - L&L's on financial wellness, physical wellness, and mental wellness.
As far as finding topics goes, I used to try and search for "good" L&L topics that I thought would be interesting or have others tell me what they wanted to learn about. That didn't work so well for me! Now I just listen and pay attention throughout the year - the topics come much easier now! I just listen to what employees are talking about, pay attention to the questions they are asking to look for themes, and think about where the company is headed and what info we might need to freshen up on. I have much better success these days!