LinkedIn groups for HR?

What groups or companies fire you up and are a great resource for you? 

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    • Janelle Rodriguez
    • HR Enthusiast | Mentor | Avid Learner
    • Janelle_Rodriguez
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi Lana Rousom !  I really enjoy the articles by Workology, they often post relevant content. The LinkedIn groups that I've joined and have found beneficial are: Association for Talent Development (ATD);'s Leadership & Development; HR Positive; eSkill HR; HCI, HRCI Pre-Approved (if you're certified), and many others.

    Lastly, I follow a great deal of HR bloggers that I find offer a relative perspective:

    I trust that you will find this list of great finds beneficial. If you have any that you'd like to share, please do.

    Take care and have a great day!


  • Janelle Rodriguez  Thanks so much- have not heard of many of these! Appreciate it. 

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    • Janelle Rodriguez
    • HR Enthusiast | Mentor | Avid Learner
    • Janelle_Rodriguez
    • 7 yrs ago
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    You're most welcome. If you are connected or follow Steve Browne or many of the professionals on this site, you can explore the groups they follow to help determine which ones pique your interest.

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