What is your vacation / PTO award for 15+ years of service?

My management team is considering awarding an additional week (40 hours) of PTO to employees who have been with us longer than 15 years. Presently we are at 80 hours per year for years of service 0 to 4, 120 hours per year for 5 to 14 years of service and 160 hours per year for 15 years of service and above. This would bump that last group to 200 hours per year.

The impacted group of employees also receives 48 hours of personal leave each January and unused hours are cashed out at year-end.

We are curious to know what everyone else is doing?

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  • Hey Bobbie! An organization I work with recently increased their PTO for 0-9 years from 2-3 weeks. At 15 years, it is 4 weeks but they have another layer where it does increase to 5 weeks after 20 years of service.  If you haven’t already, I would consider your industry and the type of talent you’re looking to attract and retain. Depending on this result, you may find your investment is better spent at different mile stones, which would still impact your 15 year marker. Best wishes! 

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  • Hi there Bobbie.  We have 7 days PTO for first year, 13 days for yrs 2-5, 18 days for  yrs 5 -12 and 23 days for 12+, we also get 2 personal days, which are use it or lose it days, each year.  We can carry over 10 days per year.  How much do you allow to carry from year to year? Do your employees who are at 15 years who use all their PTO, or do you see them carrying over from year to year?  Those are some of the things I would consider when making this decision.  If most of your 15 yr employees are carrying over time year to year or getting it paid out, then adding time may not be the best incentive, however if they are using all their time, it may be worth it.  Hope this helps.  

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  • Hi, Bobbie. My company is a construction/manufacturing company and we have 27 days of PTO for years 15-19 and 30 days for years 20+ for our office or professional positions (not hourly manufacturing). Our hourly manufacturing PTO plan is currently very similar to your plan and will be increased next year starting at year 3 because it is too difficult for our employees to save any time off with schedule issues such as lack of work or holiday shut downs, and it's just no longer competitive in our area. The reality of our office/professional PTO plan  is that those with 15+ years of service usually have too many days that they can use and carry over (max 10 days carry over) with their job responsibilities, so many of our tenured employees donate PTO hours to employees who have exceptional family situations through our PTO donation program. Initial reaction to your PTO plan is that it may be low throughout, depending on your positions and industry of course.  Trent shared good advice below - look at carry over for the past few years and years of service with the most turnover to see if the change will be a valued benefit at the back end or maybe sooner.

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  • Here's what we do (we are a non-profit). Managers start at 20 days.

    Full-time, non-contract employees earn 16 days of PTO per year in their first year. Information related to PTO for employees with contracts is governed by the individual contracts. Non-contract employees receive one additional day per year in subsequent years, until they reach 25 days when they begin their 10th year. Anyone who has worked at NHS for at least 15 years will receive a bonus at the end of the 15th year, and again at every fifth year thereafter. The bonus received is based on the employees’ preference—the equivalent of the employee’s pay for 3 days, or 3 days’ additional PTO, with the amount based on their FTE worked over the previous year.

    The amount of PTO employees earn each pay period is pro-rated, according to the number of hours paid. Unless required by law, no PTO is accrued during an unpaid leave of absence, whether for FMLA, disability, or other reasons. NHS reserves the right to alter the PTO accrual rate without notice.

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  • Michelle, 

    We offer PTO rather than vacation which includes what used to be vacation, floating holidays, and personal days. We don't care why you take the time off and didn't see the need to keep them separate. One caveat may be where you operate as more liberal states have laws that make PTO more difficult to manage. Shoot me an email to pbrunner@itochuauto.com and I will send you a copy of our policy.

    Phil Brunner

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  • Hi Michelle


    We are a Credit Union and we offer all employees 1 week of vacation, that must be taken at one time, after 6 months of employment and then annually on January 1.  We also offer PTO after 3 months of employment and the amounts are:

    Hire-5 years - 104 hours

    5-12 years - 144 hours

    12-20 years - 184 hours

    20+ - 224 hours


    We have many people that fall in the 20+ years of experience and very few of them actually use all of the time off allotted.  Good luck.

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