Work It Out: Managing Current Workplace Risks Associated with Substance Abuse - 2 hour workshop - 8/24/17

(The following was sent to me by Kathleen Busemeyer from Ohio Means Jobs)

Hamilton County DFWCI Mini-Course for Businesses

When:       Thursday, August 24, 2017 9:00 – 11:00am 
Location:  OhioMeansJobs Cincinnati/Hamilton County Offices, 1916 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45214

Presenter: Allison Sharer, OCPC – Technical Advisor/Trainer – Working Partners® 

Cost:  FREE

WHO SHOULD ATTEND This opportunity is open to any businesses in Hamilton County that want to learn more about the benefits of a drug-free workplace.  This is a great opportunity for any businesses that were unable to attend the full Technical Assistance Course offered in June!   

THE OPPORTUNITY: A FREE Mini-Course Recognizing the need to manage risks associated with substance abuse isn’t new for most companies, but keeping current with new risks can be a challenge:

  • Marijuana legalization Prescription (Rx) drug abuse and our county’s heroin epidemic
  • The increasing number of applicants and employees who are failing drug tests With these new challenges, employers are also faced with decisions about how to respond to the substance abuse employee – terminate or offer a second chance. 

Allison Sharer, Technical Advisor to the Working Partners® Drug-Free Workforce Initiative, will explore these new trends, offer insight into why employees abuse substances and what they need to stay employable, and will share information about how companies can best respond. 


  • Raise awareness about three current drug trends currently impacting the workplace: Rx drug/heroin abuse, increase rates of positive tests, legalized marijuana.
  • Describe how these trends impact workplace operations
  • Describe addiction is a brain disease and how this plays into treatment and recovery
  • Identify employers’ best practice strategies for preventing and addressing the issue 

To register for this event, please contact Melissa Harmeling to RSVP for the Mini-Course or for more information either by e-mail at: or by phone at (513) 621-1117 .

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