Frost Brown Todd Labor & Employment Series - 2019

(This came to me from Erin Patrick of Frost Brown Todd - Steve)

Frost Brown Todd is having their Labor & Employment Series over the next few months in various locations. Here are the topics which will be covered at each location:

  • Immigration: ICE and Worksite Enforcement
  • Enforcing Restrictive Covenants (non-compete, non-solicit, non-disclosure)
  • Handling Absences While Retaining Productivity: The FMLA and ADA Conundrum
  • Lessons Learned: Direct and Cross of an HR Manager
  • Data Breaches and The Forged Cookie Epidemic
  • Detecting, Managing, and Disciplining Opioid Use in the Workplace
  • Understanding the FLSA’s Administrative Exemption

There is no cost to attend these sessions and CLE, HRCI, and SHRM credits are pending approval.

Here are the dates/times/locations for the upcoming presentations:

Florence, KY - Thursday, February 28, 2019
Frost Brown Todd Office - 7310 Turfway Road, Suite 210, Florence, KY
Registration/Breakfast - 8:30 am
Program Runs - 9:00 am - Noon

Cincinnati, OH - Thursday, March 14th
Frost Brown Todd Office - 3300 Great American Tower, 300 E. 4th Street, Cincinnati, OH
Registration/Breakfast - 8:30 am
Program Runs - 9:00 am - Noon

West Chester, OH - Thursday, April 11th
Miami University VOA Campus, 7847 West VOA Park Drive, West Chester, OH
Registration/Breakfast  - 8:30 am
Program Runs - 9:00 am - Noon

To register, please email me at:

We hope to see you there! - Erin

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