Webinar: HR Rebels, HR Leaders | 11/19/19 @1:00 pm EST

HR Rebels, HR Leaders: Becoming a Strategic Partner through Process Innovation and Technology
November 19, 2019 at 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET
Click here to register for this webinar
This webinar qualifies for HRCI Credit and SHRM Credit
For too many years we’ve talked about “getting a seat at the table,” but no one really talked about how. So, in HR, we just kept doing the same thing and wondering why our results were not improving, and why we were still not gaining influence with the executives at the very top of our organizations. In order to shift and become a strategic partner, HR Pros need to take a hard look at our business skills, think through how we should behave differently, then actually BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY to affect change. We have to be business professionals first to add value to the business.
Sounds good, but we have SOOO much administrative stuff that sucks us in. It’s what we’re good at, so we spend our time there. But that’s not adding value to our businesses. Yes, OUR businesses. Michelle Strasburger and Tracie Sponenberg are both practicing HR Pros and in this webinar will discuss how to make that shift from Admin Warrior to Business Warrior and make a real impact in your organization. They will talk through improving processes and inviting and embracing technology to help alleviate the pains of the administrative world so that you can truly take that seat at the table.
You will learn how to:
- Assess your business pain points to determine where you can add value
- Learn how to embrace technology to make your life easier so you can put the focus back on the Human in Human Resources
- Create HR processes that eliminate busy work, improve employee experience and make audit requests a breeze
- Help your team become more efficient while improving your efficacy within the business