DOT Regulations - Do we really need wet signatures?

Hi there, 

New transportation client and they are claiming we need a wet signature for the Annual Review of Driving Record forms.  Anyone know if there is a way around that? 

Also - they are also claiming we need a wet signature for a PVL (Public Vehicle License) form that employees need to fill out annually.   Know of a way around that as well? 


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    • Alysa Southall
    • Your HR, Hiring and Job Search Partner
    • AlysaSouthall
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I just spoke with my contact who performs background checks and driving record searches for clients. Wet signatures are not required when they pull those items. They are allowed to be submitted with electronic signatures.


    But maybe the new transportation client requires it to ensure that it's really the employee signing it? Maybe you could propose a signature completed in PDF that has a timestamp and requires an authorization code to show that you've taken extra measures.

  • Thank you!  Our client is convinced they HAVE to have wet signatures for these two documents but we kept questioning it. They claim the DOT only required wet signatures for these forms. 

      • Alysa Southall
      • Your HR, Hiring and Job Search Partner
      • AlysaSouthall
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Audrey Strietz  Could you/have you tried calling the DOT to ask? I know it's a bit more work, but that way you could have assurance to your client that you did your due diligence.

    • Alysa Southall I tried that but unfortunately they kept sending me on a wild goose chase and no one could answer my questions. 

  • For things that need an ink signature, I've used adobe pdfs and uploaded my actual signature. You can add that and initials to fill out forms. This can be found under "fill and sign." If you've got a tablet and stylus or a Galaxy Note phone with a pen, you can set this up.

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