Celebrating Employee Anniversaries

We've been tossing around a few ideas on having a special luncheon for employees on significant anniversaries: ie 1 yr, 5 yr, 10 yr, eyc.  I'd love to hear what's working at your wekplaces and who is involved.  Such as do you celebrate one on one, all those with an anniversary that month, etc.  Thank you.

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  • Vicki - We recognize Team Members at 5-year intervals with a visit from me and other executives at their location and during the shift they work. I've found it more impactful to thank people for what they do at their place of work. This is more people-focused vs. company-focused - in my opinion. We give them a personal card from the CEO & President, chocolate, and a gift card. Anyone 10 years or more also gets a giant tray of cookies from a local bakery for the location to celebrate with them. If you make it to 40 years, we buy lunch for you and the office/location/plant. It's a lunch YOU'd like since it's your anniversary. They pick the menu.

    I'll do anywhere from 10 to 15 anniversary celebrations a month. Reach out to me at - sbrowne@larosas.com if you'd like to chat more.


    • Melissa L
    • Melissa_Labonte
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I print certificates for each person for their anniversary no matter how many years with our company.  We celebrate 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 they receive a small gift water bottle, lunch cooler, blanket, backpack etc. 

    All other years receive a token of appreciation - the first year I gave a chocolate bar with personal written wrappers, the next year I made shopping bags with our company logo on them and this year we will be doing koozies with sunglasses and chap stick.

    Hope you find something that works for your company.  Some will think it is great and others may not be so accepting of your ideas.  It is a way to appreciate them and thank them for their dedication to your company.

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