Mental Health App

Does anyone have insight into a mental health app that their company uses?

For example, something like Headspace for Work. Looking to see what your experience has been and if your employees actually used the app and liked it, and if it was worth the money that the business spent.

Thanks! - Lisa

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  • Hi Lisa-


    We work with an EAP that has a ton of online content and can link directly to service providers for virtual or in-person counseling. We have worked with them for several years and they are the best EAP resource I've found. Impact Solutions. I can make a direct referral if you want or send our contacts. 

    Also new this year, we rolled out in January the "MyStrength" platform which is the mental health offering from Teledoc, the largest telemedicine provider. We've been using Teledoc for a lot of years now with much success so we were excited to see this new offering. We use this in conjunction rather than instead of our EAP. It's a bit different in that it runs directly through the Teledoc App and has a lot of different levels of interaction. An employee can take some basic assessments regarding their needs and situation and then can interact in various degrees that they are comfortable with. There is information available to read and interact with, automated coaching, personal coaching and then referral services to professional counselors and psychologists. 

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    • Ron Chambers
    • "Advantages for Life"
    • Ron_Chambers
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I agree with John, The Chambers Group offers the "My Strength" program as well and have a lot of success with it. It offers much more access then an EAP and is very affordable.

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  • We are currently in the process of rolling out a new EAP with our team, Ulliance ( While it is a bit more expensive than our previous provider, it is far more robust and engaging. So far, it has been a fantastic alternative.

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